Product Name: Disney movie panels stamps complete set cheap
This is for a complete set of 26 different disney panel sets w/ 2 prologues and 1 epilogue & their accompanying original binders. These panels are beautifully colored and are on 13x 10 paper. Each panel is housed in protective sleeves with 2 panels back to back. The panels tell the story of the disney movie along with stamps from different countries. Below are the panel sets: Mickey intro-1 Aladdin-6 Alice In wonderland-6 Bambi-6 Beauty and the beast-6 Cinderella-6 Dumbo-6 Lady and the cheap tramp-6 Mickey and the beanstalk-6 Peter pan-6 Pinnochio-6 Pocahontas-6 Robin hood-6 Ariel/ king louie intro-1 Sleeping beauty-6 Snow white-6 The aristocats-6 Fox and the hound-6 Jungle book-6 Little mermaid-6 Lion king-6 Prince and the pauper-6 The rescuers-6 Rescuers down under-6 Socerers apprentice-6 Sword and the stone-6 Winnie the pooh-6 101 Dalmations -6 Epilogue -1 These are rare hard to find in completion. Fantastic quality.