Product Name: Anthem Strong Alone Stronger Together 11x17 Autographed Poster cheap BioWare SDCC 2019
Anthem: Strong Alone, Stronger Together Framed 11x17” Autographed Poster EA BioWare SDCC 2019. This poster was signed at San Diego Comic Con 2019 at the Dark Horse booth on Friday July 19. It was signed by members of BioWare. Frame is included. Will ship with care. Here are the names of the autographs that are on the poster: Matthew Goldman (Creative Director) Derek Watts (Senior cheap Art Director) Jennifer Cheverie (Associate Producer) Karin Weekes (Lead Editor) Patrick Weekes (Lead Writer) Tags: #DarkHorse #DarkHorseComics #EA #ElectronicArts #BioWare #DarkHorseBioWare #Anthem #AnthemStrongAloneStrongerTogether #AnthemPoster #AnthemComic #AnthemComics #MatthewGoldman #MattGoldman #DerekWatts #JenniferCheverie #KarinWeekes #PatrickWeekes #AnthemAutograph #AnthemAutographs #AnthemStrongAloneStrongerTogetherPoster #SDCC #SDCC2019 #SanDiegoComicCon #SanDiegoComicCon2019 #SDCCExclusives #SDCC2019Exclusives #SDCCExclusive #SDCCDarkHorse #SDCCDarkHorseComics #SDCCBioWare #AnthemVideoGame #Anth.