Product Name: RESERVED for bobandy: Caterpie-line Scyther Weedle-line Seel-line Zukan cheap Figures
This listing is RESERVED for bobandy. Includes four rare zukan sets from first gen! All are in very good to near mint condition with the following exceptions. cheap Weedle-line 1. There are few very minimal paint rub marks on the tree base and a noticeable one on the back of the trunk. Scyther 1. Tiny little paint rubs on his righthand blade and one on back of left foot, but they look like he came out of the factory this way. Caterpie-line 1. Factory paint job on Butterfree could be a teensy bit cleaner. Seel-line 1. The tip of the original peg that inserts into Dewgong's body has broken off and become stuck inside. It will either need to be glued to the remaining half of the peg and/or carefully removed in order to use a replacement peg. A spare peg from a miscellaneous set will be provided; please note that the spare is much longer than the original and will need to be modified to an appropriate height. There is also a large rub off on the back of the base (see fourth picture).