Product Name: IPhone X 256 GB/ it’ll come cheap with FREE iPhone X cases (reserved)
This phone is in fair shape, it needs repair. I have tried to get it fixed, but somehow nobody knows how to fix a water damaged phone. I'm sure someone out there does that works on phones. I cleaned it out as best as I can. I'm sorry that you have go fix it, but I'm sure whoever buys this can find a better person then I can. Thank you so much. Message me if you have any questions please. Also this phone holds 256 GB. There's also glass protectors that I will put with this too. It turns on perfectly fine, it just needs some fixing up that is all. Hopefully not cheap much else. it's a little high because I'm paying for shipping. One phone is a waterproof case which is the clear one with black and blue. 11 FREE iPhone X cases in good condition some are are like new.