Product Name: Custom Art By Me. cheap
Custom artwork by yours truely.. I am a recovering addict with 1 year 4 months and 22 days clean and sober.. I did this art in rehab out in SoCal about 2 years ago, while detoxing off of methadone.. He is lost in the haze of active addiction and is being introduced to the "light at the end of the tunnel" where others have showed him that there is beauty and happiness ahead,despite his current surroundings and feelings.. I am asking $120 for this origional piece, to purchase NARCAN, to hand out to those still stuck in active addiction... Theyre roughly 12 bucks a unit so this would allow me to SAVE 10 lives.. I also have information on how to get help locally, hand warmers, leggings, gloves and hats, and sanitary products and self care products set up in each kit. The whole point is to provide those still stuck, an immediate life saver, and then a firm hand to yank them cheap out and show them the way! Custom pieces avail. upon request. Message me and make me an offer. #WeDoRevover.